My Percentage Calculator

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What is X% of Y?

X is what percent of Y?

How much did X increase/decrease to become Y?

Discount Calculator

My Percentage Calculator offers a streamlined solution for all your percentage-related calculations. Need to work out the savings on that latest sale item, settle restaurant bills with tip calculations, or determine the percentage change in market values? Look no further. Our intuitive percentage calculator is crafted to simplify these calculations, delivering accurate results in a snap to assist you in a wide range of numerical tasks.

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Percentage Calculator Glossary

  • What is a Percentage Calculator?

    A Percentage Calculator is a tool designed to perform calculations involving percentages, such as finding what percent one number is of another, calculating percentage increases or decreases, and more.

  • How do I calculate the percentage of a number?

    To calculate the percentage of a number, divide the part by the whole number and then multiply by 100. For example, to find what percent 50 is of 200, divide 50 by 200, and then multiply by 100.

  • How do I calculate a percentage increase or decrease?

    To calculate a percentage increase, subtract the original number from the new number, divide the result by the original number, and multiply by 100. For a decrease, use the same method but start by subtracting the new number from the original number.

  • How do I calculate the sales/discount price?

    To calculate the sales or discount price of an item, first determine the discount percentage. Then, multiply the original price by the discount percentage and subtract the result from the original price. For example, if an item costs $100 and is on sale for 20% off, multiply $100 by 20% (or 0.20) to get $20. Subtract this from the original price ($100 - $20) to find the sale price of $80.

  1. Percentage (%): A ratio or fraction expressed as part of 100.
  2. Percent Increase: A measure of how much a quantity increases relative to its original value, expressed as a percentage.
  3. Percent Decrease: A measure of how much a quantity decreases relative to its original value, expressed as a percentage.
  4. Base Number: The original number in percentage calculations, from which an increase or decrease is measured.
  5. Percentage Point: A unit for the arithmetic difference of two percentages.
  6. Discount: A reduction applied to the original price, usually expressed as a percentage.
  7. Interest Rate: The percentage of an amount of money charged for its use per some period, often annually.
  8. Decimal: A number expressed in the base 10 system, representing fractions in a way that the place value increases by powers of 10.
  9. Fraction: A numerical quantity that is not a whole number, representing a part of a whole.
  10. Ratio: A relationship between two numbers indicating how many times the first number contains the second.
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